Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Book IV of Ovid

Daughters of Minyas-Most people in a village celebrate the Baccic festival except Minya's daughters, they do housework over going to the festival.
Pyramus and Thisbe-A couple deeply in love wish to marry but their families refuse the match, they kill themselves so they can be together in death.
Mars, Venus, Vulcan, The Sun-Mars and Venus were having an affair and Vulcan caught them with a net he made and had all the gods laugh at them to teach them a lesson. 
Leucothoe and Clytie-Clytie was raped by the Sun and turned into a sweet smelling flower, but she still loves the Sun god even though he loves Leucothoe.
Salmacis and Heraphroditus-Salmacis falls in love with Heraphroditus but he refuses her, she forces herself on him when he is in the water and the become a formation in the water.
The Daughters of Minyas, cont.-Since the daughters don't worship Baccus he turned them into bats.
Athmas and Ino-Juno is jealous of Ino and asks the Furies to poison her body, Athmus sees Ino's son on her breast and forces him off, Ino then goes in search for help for her son and Neptune gives them new bodies and turns them into gods.
Cadmus and Harmonia-Cadmus turned into a serpent, Harmonia knew it was him and embraced him in that form, she then turned into a serpent too.
Acrisus-Kin of Cadmus and Perseus, Perseus flew over the Earth with Medusa's head, drops of blood fall and snakes appear on the ground, this is how Libya became snake-infested.
Perseus and Atlas-Perseus asks to stay at Atlas's house but Atlas knew of a prophecy against a son of Jove so he refuses, Perseus showed Atlas Medusa's head and he turned into stone while his back held the Earth and his head held the sky.
Perseus and Andromeda-She was chained to a rock and he saw her and instantly fell in love, he asked why she was chained and she said her mother, Cassiope bragged she was more beautiful than the Nereids, he agreed he would save her if her parents would let him marry her.
Perseus and Medusa-He put her to sleep and chopped her head off and from her blood came Chrysaor and Pegasus, Minerva now wears the snakes that were Medusa's hair.

 Daughters of Minyas

 Pyramus and Thisbe

 Venus and Mars


 Salmacis and Heraphroditus

 The Daughters of Minyas were turned into bats.

 Athmas and Ino
 Cadmus and Harmonia
 Perseus and Atlas
 Perseus and Andromeda
 Perseus and Medusa

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